The Connection Between Sports and Mental Health
The Connection Between Sports and Mental Health
When you think of sports, what comes to mind? Is it the physical thrill of competition? The excitement of a win? The rush of adrenaline that accompanies the game-winning shot? Or is it something else entirely? Something more subtle- but no less important- than all those things combined.
Something like mental health.
Today’s blog is set to explore the relationship between sports and mental health and why establishing a strong connection between the two is essential for your overall well-being.
Sports– More Than Just Physical Activity
Sports are great! They’re fun, they keep us healthy, and help us meet new people! But did you know that sports can also help improve your mental health?
According to a recent review published by BioMed Central, participating in any form of sport, whether team or individual, can improve mental health and social outcomes.
In fact, the authors found that involvement in sports was related to improved psychological well-being (higher self-esteem and life satisfaction), lower psychological ill-being (reduced levels of depression, anxiety, and stress), and improved social outcomes (improved self-control, pro-social behavioural, interpersonal communication, and fostering a sense of belonging).
Physical Activity, Mental Health and Kids
Sports and physical activity are an important part of every child’s development. They help them gain confidence in their physical abilities as well as their mental toughness– and that’s something that will stick with them forever.
A decades-long study in the Netherlands demonstrated just how beneficial sports and physical activity are for kids. In part of a longer-term project called “Generation R” led by the University of Rotterdam, researchers found that the younger kids became involved with sports, the greater self-esteem they demonstrated later on in life.
Why does this matter? According to the American Psychological Association, having high self-esteem is essential to positive mental health and well-being. Individuals with high self-esteem are equipped to handle adversity and stress, regardless of where it stems from. Rather than feel defeated or bogged down by difficult situations, people with high self-esteem rise to the challenge and instead look to make improvements from within.
Good Mental Health: Individual vs. Team Sports
When you’re playing a sport, there are two main ways that you can play: with a team, or on your own.
When you play as a team, you work as a collective. Everyone has a role to play, and everyone contributes to the greater good. Knowing you’re not alone in the competition helps distribute some of the internal stress that comes with competing. It also makes it easier for teammates to support each other when one member is struggling or needs encouragement.
When you play on your own, however, you’re relying on yourself for everything: your success or failure is all up to how good of a game you play. When it works out, this can be exceptionally rewarding. But when it doesn’t, it can be tough, because you’re the only one there left to pick up the pieces. This can lead some athletes to feel considerable amounts of stress, anxiety, and/or feelings of depression.
Several research studies have further demonstrated the upper hand team sports have over one-on-one when it comes to mental health benefits.
A 2019 study found that adolescents who participated in team sports had positive experiences with coaching, skill development, and peer support, all of which contributed to feelings of social acceptance and decreased body dissatisfaction.
A more recent study, published in PLOS found that kids playing in teams were less likely to show signs of anxiety, depression, withdrawal, attention issues, as well as social problems. Through positive social interactions, researchers believe that participation in team sports may help mitigate the development of a variety of mental health issues in children and adolescents.
5 Benefits of Physical Activity
- Improves your mood
- Whether you’re biking down the road, racing down the rink, or pumping iron at your local gym, we guarantee you’ll feel great after.
- This is because physical activity triggers the release of endorphins, your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters. These natural mood boosters can leave you feeling happier and more relaxed after a hard workout or game!
- Gives You a Boost of Confidence
- Did you know that playing sports can help you feel more confident?
- When you play sports, you are constantly setting goals and working hard to achieve them. This is extremely rewarding and empowering– you can’t help but feel proud of yourself when you achieve something that you’ve worked so hard for.
- Your goals could be anything from winning a game, scoring a goal, performing your best, or just having fun! Whatever you decide, frequently setting individual or team-based goals can provide you with increased feelings of self-worth and confidence.
- Improves Sleep Quality
- Have you ever noticed how much better you sleep after a good game? It's no coincidence—physical activity can help you fall asleep faster, get more restorative sleep, and even improve your sleep quality.
- But there’s also an important caveat: don’t exercise too close to bedtime or you’ll keep yourself energized well into the night!
- Reduces Stress and Feelings of Depression
- It's no secret that exercise has many health benefits. It helps us sleep better, improves our mood, and even makes us feel more confident in our bodies. But did you know that it can also help reduce stress and feelings of depression?
- Exercise reduces our level of stress hormones while at the same time stimulating the production of endorphins- remember those? The release of these feel-good hormones is closely linked to feelings of pleasure, which is exactly what you want when you're trying to get rid of stress!
- All in all, staying active is a great way to fight off feelings of depression so get out there and get moving!
- Increases Socialization
- Playing team sports provides a perfect chance to mingle with others. Whether you're spending time with old friends or making new ones, the opportunities for socialization are endless—and the benefits are significant.
- Not only does this increase in socialization help reduce stress and increase mood, but it can also improve your overall physical health. Plus, there's nothing like the thrill of victory (or even just a good game) to give you that extra boost of confidence!
Front Row Sports Has Everything You Need to Pursue Your Passion
We believe that sports are a great way to improve your mental health. They give you a chance to exercise and get some fresh air, but they also connect you with people who have similar interests.
At Front Row Sports, we help athletes find the gear and equipment they need to perform at their best. Whether you're just starting out or are an elite-level athlete, we've got everything you need to make sure that you stay healthy and happy while pursuing your passion.
Contact us today to learn more about our selection of equipment.